Dom Sub Devotion

Dom Sub Devotion

Hosted by: Andrew & Dawn - Infinite Devotion

Deep, authentic discussions and conversations about love, polarity, and Dom/sub dynamics inside of loving healthy relationships. Hosted by Andrew & Dawn - A 24/7 D/s married couple, passionate about each...

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Finding ourselves through our Dom/sub marriage

Episode 32: Finding ourselves through our Dom/sub marriage The seeking of authenticity has been an integral part of what has made our D/s marriage so special and unique. So often, D/s relationships value things like...
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Living In Your Feminine Energy - Dawn's Experience

Episode 31: Living in your feminine energy - Dawn's Experience I don’t think there’s anything that is more confusing, and more often confused, than what it really means to be “in your feminine” as a woman in today’s...
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Q&A with a 24/7 Dominant

Episode 30: Q&A with a 24/7 Dominant Last week, you got to hear from Dawn in “Ask Dawn Anything” And this week, it’s Andrew’s turn. We asked for questions that you wanted to hear Andrew’s reflections on, and we...
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Ask Dawn Anything - Q&A with a 24/7 submissive

Episode 29: Ask Dawn Anything - Q&A with a 24/7 submissive We dedicated this episode to a Q&A that’s just for Dawn to share her experience and answer our listeners’ and followers’ questions. Here are just a...
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D/s is not always BDSM

Episode 28: D/s is not always BDSM So many couples face real challenges when they try to take D/s out of the bedroom and bring it into the living room. In this episode, we discuss why it is that the same things that...
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Bonus Episode - Consent and its role in conscious Dominance

My good friend Eric is back on the Dom Sub Devotion podcast for another conversation with me in the exploration of conscious Dominance. And in this episode, we dive into the meaning of the word consent and how it...
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Trust and Trustworthiness in D/s Dynamics

Episode 27: Trust and Trustworthiness in D/s dynamics How do we relate to the concept of trust inside of Dom/sub relationships? In this episode, Andrew & Dawn discuss trust. We dive into how trust is earned, how...
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Handling a submissive woman's emotions

Episode 26: Handling a submissive woman's emotions - In our new course for men, we teach you how you can build the inner strength that it takes to lead a submissive...
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Bringing Awareness to Dominance - With Eric from EAI

Our first ever guest on Dom Sub Devotion is Eric from the Elemental Arts Initiative. Eric is a coach and teacher with a diverse and fascinating history that he shares in this episode. He is also my personal friend and...
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Our nomadic lifestyle - and how it affects our Dom/sub marriage

Episode 25: Our nomadic lifestyle - and how it affects our Dom/sub marriage We live over half the year out of a fifth-wheel camper, traveling to new and different places. And in this episode we discuss some of how...
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Becoming a Dominant Man - Developing a Dominant character

Episode 24: Becoming a Dominant Man - Developing a Dominant character This episode discusses what it truly takes for a man to embody Dominance as a way of being, not just something he does with, or to, women....
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13th wedding anniversary episode - How D/s dynamics improved our marriage

Episode 23: 13th wedding anniversary episode - How D/s dynamics improved our marriage In this episode, we went live on Youtube to interact with our followers and share some of the ways that becoming a Dom/sub couple...
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